

Research Unit Sustainability and Climate Policy

Project InnoSoilPhos - Innovative solutions to sustainable Soil Phosphorus management

Offene Universität Rostock - online learning portal

querFELDein - Blog of several Leibniz Institutes with facts, news and ideas about the agriculture of the future

Central point of access for information on the environment and nature conservation

Phosphat - Raw materials industry profile of the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources

Dates of the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU)

Videos and podcasts

YouTube channel of the P-Campus

Deinen Boden besser verstehen - Prof. Dr. Christel Baum, YouTube, 19.06.2024

Neue Nutztierhaltung: Spiele für Schweine, Laub für Schafe - Report in the NDR Nordmagazin about the Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN), 13.09.2023

Podcast "Klimawandel und Meer – Der Fall Ostsee"

Podcast of the DBU: "Jetzt mal ganz in Ruhe"


Phosphat - Mineralischer Rohstoff und unverzichtbarer Nährstoff für die Ernährungssicherheit weltweit - Study by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources

BIO-Modellregion Warnow - Study by the BUND (German Federation for the Environment and Nature Conservation) regional association Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 2019


"Phosphogeddon": Durch Überdüngung in die Hungerkrise? - article on, 30.03.2023

M.S. Smart, G. Filippelli, W.P. Gilhooly III, J.E.A. Marshall, J.H. Whiteside; Enhanced terrestrial nutrient release during the Devonian emergence and expansion of forests: Evidence from lacustrine phosphorus and geochemical records. GSA Bulletin 2022; DOI: 10.1130/B36384.1

Soil Systems Special Issue "Challenges and Successes in Identifying the Transfer and Transformation of Phosphorus from Soils to Open Waters and Sediments"

Das unersetzliche Element - Ohne Phosphor kann der Mensch nicht leben. In Teilen Afrikas ist der Stoff knapp geworden. Was nun? - article on, 21.11.2018

"Die Anthropozän-Küche. Matooke, Bienenstich und eine Prise Phosphor - In zehn Speisen um die Welt", Scientific comic of the Cluster of Excellence Bild, Wissen, Gestaltung of the Humboldt University Berlin


Newsletter of the Leibniz Association

Newsletter of the German Phosphorus Platform (DPP)

SCOPE Newsletter of the European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform (ESPP)

Newsletter of the DBU