Research Foci
At the beginning of the ScienceCampus Phosphorus Research Rostock (P-Campus), interdisciplinary research on phosphorus was being carried out in three research clusters and one cross-sectional theme.
With the start of a new, second funding period of the P-Campus, the alignment of the research clusters was changed in part (Cluster I, II, III) and new research foci (Cluster IV, V) were defined. The earlier cross-cutting theme on phosphorus analysis methods has been integrated into all research clusters.
The P-Campus is now divided into five areas of research (clusters):
- I. Phosphorus in the environment – P pools and mobilization potential in lowlands and coastal regions
- II. Sufficiency and efficiency of P utilisation, P recycling - Agricultural P Recycling Options
- III. Phosphorus in synthesis and catalysis
- IV. Molecular Biology of Phosphorus - The central Role of P in Signaling and Metabolism from Cells to Ecosystems
- V. P Governance (as a cross-cutting activity)