P-Campus Lecture Series 2015-2024
Since 2020, the lecture series has taken place online and is recorded in Webex. The videos are available either on the P-Campus YouTube channel or on request to the Coordination Office.
Winter semester 2024/25
Date | Lecture title | Lecturer | Lecture recording |
10.10.2024 | Phosphorus governance and land use governance | Prof. Felix Ekardt (Research Unit Sustainability and Climate Policy/University of Rostock) |
Watch recording on YouTube |
17.10.2024 | Optimizing the P supply of rapeseed through organic fertilization and biostimulants | Prof. Christel Baum (University of Rostock) |
Watch recording on YouTube |
07.11.2024 | Phosphorus - From flowing waters to the sea, the "source-to-sea" approach | Dr. Clemens Engelke, Franka Koch (State Agency for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Geology Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (LUNG)) |
Watch recording on YouTube |
21.11.2024 | Effect of mycorrhizal fungi on healthy and PVY-infected Solanum tuberosum L. plants | Prof. Katarzyna Hrynkiewicz (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń) |
Recording not available due to unpublished results |
12.12.2024 | Toxic sugars - role of pyrophosphorylases in the poisoning of plants with galactose | Jun.-Prof. Klaus Herburger (University of Rostock) |
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09.01.2025 | The last secret of soil physics: water and matter dynamics in peat soils | Prof. Bernd Lennartz (University of Rostock) |
on request |
Summer semester 2024
Date | Lecture title | Speaker | Lecture recording |
07.03.2024 | Assessment of P efficiency in forage legumes by utilising fertilisers from recycling products | Yue Hu (University of Rostock) |
Watch recording on YouTube |
21.03.2024 | Toxic-free environment – a distant vision or an achievable reality? | Dr. Jessica Stubenrauch (Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research) |
Watch recording on YouTube |
18.04.2024 | Investigation of water and solute transport in the soil by using lysimeters | Dr. Holger Rupp (Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research) |
Watch recording on YouTube |
02.05.2024 | Darss-Zingst Bodden Chain - Is the eutrophication status changing? | Dr. Rhena Schumann (University of Rostock) |
Watch recording on YouTube |
16.05.2024 | State of fish stocks in the Baltic Sea and the role of environmental changes and fisheries | Dr. Uwe Krumme (Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries) |
on request |
27.06.2024 | Element transformations in gradient systems of the Baltic Sea | Prof. Michael Böttcher (Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde) |
on request |
04.07.2024 | P in food - plant nutrition and health | Prof. Silvia Bachmann-Pfabe (Hochschule Neubrandenburg) |
on request |
Date | Lecture title | Speaker | Lecture recording |
20.04.2023 | Enough is enough: Lower phosphorus inflows are still sufficient for resilient phytoplankton in coastal areas | Dr. Maximilian Berthold (Mount Allison University) |
on request |
01.06.2023 | Turnover and transport of phosphorus in soil aggregates - From macroaggregates to nanoparticles | Dr. Nina Siebers (Forschungszentrum Jülich) | Watch recording on YouTube |
22.06.2023 | Advanced Raman spectroscopy for analysis of fluorescent samples – Case study for soil and bone inspection | Dr. Kay Sowoidnich (Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik) |
Watch recording on YouTube |
14.09.2023 | Anthropogenic and natural organic trace substances in the Baltic Sea - Current activities, challenges and future perspectives | Dr. Marion Kanwischer (Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde) |
on request |
28.09.2023 | Agronomic evaluation of secondary phosphorus fertilisers from sewage sludge ash, struvite, and bone char in pot and field experiments | Dr. Kerstin Panten (Julius Kühn-Institut) |
on request |
05.10.2023 | Root and Rhizosphere traits for soil P mobilization | Dr. Maire Holz (Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research) |
Watch recording on YouTube |
19.10.2023 | Global and molecular phosphorus pathways in aquaculture | Prof. Tom Goldammer (Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology) | Watch recording on YouTube |
16.11.2023 | Phosphorus Availability and Sources in the North and Southeastern Tropical Atlantic Regions of Africa | Dr. Khanneh Wadinga Fomba (Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research) | - |
Date | Lecture title | Speaker | Lecture recording |
05.05.2022 | Phosphorus control in lakes by external and internal management measures | Dr. Michael Hupfer (Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries) |
on request |
02.06.2022 | The Multifaceted Chemistry of Aromatic Phosphorus Heterocycles | Prof. Christian Müller (Freie Universität Berlin) |
on request |
23.06.2022 | Floating wetlands as multi-talents in coastal waters | Jacqueline Berendt (Coastal Union Germany) |
on request |
30.06.2022 | Phosphorus recovery from Wastewater | Prof. Heidrun Steinmetz (University of Kaiserslautern-Landau) |
on request |
29.09.2022 | The Future Availability of Phosphate | Prof. Friedrich-Wilhelm Wellmer (Former president, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources) |
on request |
20.10.2022 | Targeting Management Practices to Mitigate P Losses from Agricultural Fields in Regions with Cold Climates | Dr. Merrin L. Macrae (University of Waterloo) |
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Date | Lecture title | Speaker | Lecture recording |
20.05.2021 | P compounds and tranformations along their transport pathways from terrestrial into aquatic ecosystems | Julia Prüter (University of Rostock) |
on request |
03.06.2021 | The "Leibniz-Innovationshof" | Prof. Ulrich Bathmann (Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde) |
on request |
17.06.2021 | Vegetation surveys of biological soil crusts and their potential influence on P-dynamics in the sand dunes of the Baltic Sea | Sandra Kammann (University of Rostock) |
on request |
01.07.2021 | P-based organocatalysts: The application in CO2 valorization and its immobilization with plasma techniques | Yuya Hu (Leibniz Institute for Catalysis) |
on request |
16.09.2021 | P recycling in land-based aquaculture systems | Jonathan Schleyken (University of Rostock) |
on request |
30.09.2021 | P utilisation capacity of forage legumes from recycling products | Yue Hu (Leibniz Institute for Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research) |
Watch recording on YouTube |
14.10.2021 | P in marine microlife: a (cyano)bacterial perspective | Mariano Santoro (Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde) |
on request |
28.10.2021 | N and P efficiency mechanisms in potato | Rebekka Erlinghagen (Leibniz Institute for Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research) |
on request |
11.11.2021 | EU agricultural subsidies and P | Katharine Heyl (Research Unit Sustainability and Climate Policy) |
on request |
02.12.2021 | Potential of Black Soldier Fly Larvae reared on recycled phosphorus-rich substrates to be included in broiler diets | Mohammad Mahdi Seyedalmoosavi (Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology) |
on request |
16.12.2021 | Application of P-based organocatalysts and biocatalysts | Constanza Terazzi (Leibniz Institute for Catalysis) |
on request |
13.01.2022 | Phenotypic and genotypic variability of P-uptake mechanisms in potato | Julian Kirchgesser (University of Rostock) |
on request |
Winter semester 2020/21
Date | Lecture title | Speaker | Lecture recording |
15.10.2020 | Electron microscopy in phosphorus research: Methods of elemental analysis and ultrastructural investigation | Dr. Marcus Frank (University Medical Centre Rostock) |
on request |
29.10.2020 | Ad- and desorption of phosphate – Phosphate transformation processes in soil | Prof. Dirk Freese (Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg) |
on request |
26.11.2020 | Application examples of spectrometric/spectroscopic methods in P speciation: 31P-NMR and P XANES | Prof. Peter Leinweber (University of Rostock) |
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10.12.2020 | The role of fungi in the P cycle of soil and in the P supply of plants | Prof. Christel Baum (University of Rostock) |
on request |
14.01.2021 | Land Use Governance and Phosphorus Governance: An Overall View | Prof. Felix Ekardt (Research Unit Sustainability and Climate Policy) |
on request |
28.01.2021 | Technological potential of low-temperature plasmas in the agricultural environment | Dr. Volker Brüser (Leibniz Institute for Plasma Research and Technology) |
on request |
11.02.2021 | Insights into the role of bacteria for P turnover in soil - Lessons learned from metagenomic studies | Dr. Stefanie Schulz (Helmholtz Zentrum München) |
on request |
25.02.2021 | Regulatory and economic instruments for sustainable phosphorus management | Dr. Beatrice Garske (Research Unit Sustainability and Climate Policy) |
on request |
11.03.2021 | Endocrine and transcriptional regulatory circuits of phosphorus utilization in pigs and poultry | Dr. Michael Oster (Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology) |
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25.03.2021 | Using biodiversity to improve phosphorus efficiency in potatoes | Dr. Silvia Bachmann-Pfabe (Leibniz Institute for Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research) |
on request |
Date | Lecture title | Speaker |
04.04.2019 | Precipitation water on biogas plants - environmental relevance and treatment options |
Prof. Jens Tränckner (University of Rostock) |
02.05.2019 | Possible consequences of the storm surge and brackish water inflow into the "Heiligensee and Hütelmoor" nature reserve in January 2019 | Dr. Gerald Jurasinski (University of Rostock) |
16.05.2019 | Mussel farms in the Baltic Sea: more than just a nutrient retention measure? | Dr. Gerald Schernewski (Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde) |
06.06.2019 | Atmospheric P deposition: from measured value to annual input into the Baltic Sea | Dr. Rhena Schumann (University of Rostock) |
20.06.2019 | The nutrient cycle in the fish tank house: The role of phosphorus for the functionality of aquaponic production systems | Prof. Harry Palm (University of Rostock) |
27.06.2019 | Effects of endophytic and rhizosphere microorganisms in P mobilization | Prof. Katarzyna Hrynkiewicz (University of Toruń) |
Winter semester 2016/17
Date | Lecture title | Speaker |
03.11.2016 | Phosphorversorgung und Phosphordüngung landwirtschaftlich genutzter Böden | Dr. Hans-Eberhard Kape (LMS Agrarberatung) |
10.11.2016 | Einfluss variierender Phosphorgehalte im Futter auf die Knochendichte und -zusammensetzung beim wachsenden Ferkel | Prof. Petra Wolf (University of Rostock) |
17.11.2016 | Die Rolle biologischer Bodenkrusten im Phosphorkreislauf | Dr. Karen Baumann (University of Rostock) |
24.11.2016 | Phosphatmagelanpassung bei Cyanobakterien - Molekulare Grundlagen und die Anpassung des Ostseecyanobakteriums Nodularia spumigena CCY9414 | Prof. Martin Hagemann (University of Rostock) |
01.12.2016 | Phosphaternährung der Pflanzen im ökologischen Land-bau. Der Beitrag der chemischen Phosphatmobilisierung | Dr. Jörg Gerke (farmer) |
08.12.2016 | Landseitige Phosphoreinträge in die Ostsee - Entwicklung, Herkunft und Reduzierungsansätze | Dr. Clemens Engelke & Franka Koch (Landesamt für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Geologie MV) |
15.12.2016 | Phosphor-Austragspfade und -Muster in landwirtschaftlich genutzten Tieflandeinzugsgebieten | Prof. Bernd Lennartz (University of Rostock) |
05.01.2017 | Phosphorhaltige Verbindungen in der organischen Synthese und Katalyse | Dr. Thomas Werner (Leibniz Institute for Catalysis) |
12.01.2017 | Membranen als Phosphatspeicher - Wie Pflanzen auf Phosphatmangel reagieren | Dr. Meike Siebers (University of Bonn) |
19.01.2017 | Das P-Dilemma ökologisch bewirtschafteter Grünlandstandorte - Phytodiversität versus Produktionsfunktion? | Dr. Jürgen Müller (University of Rostock) |
26.01.2017 | Glyphosat - Anwendungen in der Landwirtschaft und Auswirkungen auf Ackerunkräuter | Prof. Bärbel Gerowitt (University of Rostock) |
02.02.2017 | Phosphorus as a key element in cellular signaling and biological energy transductions | Prof. Inna Sokolova (University of Rostock) |
16.02.2017 | Technologisches Potential von Niedertemperatur-plasmen beim Phosphor-Recycling | Dr. Volker Brüser (Leibniz Institute for Plasma Research and Technology) |
Winter semester 2015/16
Date | Lecture title | Speaker |
14.10.2015 | Phosphorus mirabilis | Prof. Axel Schulz (University of Rostock) |
21.10.2015 | Phosphor: Ein wichtiger Baustein in Katalyse und Chemie | Dr. Marko Hapke (Leibniz Institute for Catalysis) |
28.10.2015 | Der marine Phosphor-Kreislauf | Prof. Detlef Schulz-Bull (Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde) |
04.11.2015 | Phosphorus – a critical element in wetland conservation and restoration | Dr. Steve Robinson (University of Reading) |
11.11.2015 | Nährstoffe in den deutschen Küstengewässern und in der Ostsee | Dr. Günther Nausch (Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde) |
18.11.2015 | Leibniz-WissenschaftsCampi und weitere universitäre Forschungsinitiativen | Prof. Ulrich Bathmann (Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde) |
25.11.2015 | Der Phosphorzyklus und seine Anwendung in landbasierten Aquaponiksystemen | Prof. Harry Palm (University of Rostock) |
02.12.2015 | Wofür und wie effektiv nutzen Tiere Phosphor – Neue Einblicke aus "omics-Studien" | Prof. Klaus Wimmers (Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology) |
09.12.2015 | Eutrophierung flacher Küstengewässer durch Phosphor: Was nun? | Dr. Rhena Schumann (University of Rostock) |
16.12.2015 | Phosphor im Abwasser: Emission, Reduzierung, Recycling | Prof. Jens Tränckner (University of Rostock) |
06.01.2016 | Beitrag der Kreislaufwirtschaft zur Phosphor-Versorgung - Grundlagen, Technologien & Grenzen | Prof. Michael Nelles (University of Rostock) |
13.01.2016 | Knochenkohle - ein interessantes Recyclingmaterial mit Düngewirkung | Prof. Peter Leinweber (University of Rostock) |
20.01.2016 | Phosphor-Versorgung im Pflanzenbau mit Beispielen aus der internationalen Agrarforschung | Prof. Bettina Eichler-Löbermann (University of Rostock) |
27.01.2016 | Nachhaltiges Phosphor-Management: Gesellschaftliche, politische und rechtliche Aspekte | Prof. Felix Ekardt (Research Unit Sustainability and Climate Policy) |