P-Campus Lecture Series 2015-2024

Since 2020, the lecture series has taken place online and is recorded in Webex. The videos are available either on the P-Campus YouTube channel or on request to the Coordination Office.

Winter semester 2024/25

Date Lecture title Lecturer Lecture recording
10.10.2024 Phosphorus governance and land use governance Prof. Felix Ekardt
(Research Unit Sustainability and Climate Policy/University of Rostock)
Watch recording on YouTube
17.10.2024 Optimizing the P supply of rapeseed through organic fertilization and biostimulants Prof. Christel Baum
(University of Rostock)
Watch recording on YouTube
07.11.2024 Phosphorus - From flowing waters to the sea, the "source-to-sea" approach Dr. Clemens Engelke, Franka Koch
(State Agency for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Geology Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (LUNG))
Watch recording on YouTube
21.11.2024 Effect of mycorrhizal fungi on healthy and PVY-infected Solanum tuberosum L. plants Prof. Katarzyna Hrynkiewicz
(Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń)
Recording not available due to unpublished results
12.12.2024 Toxic sugars - role of pyrophosphorylases in the poisoning of plants with galactose Jun.-Prof. Klaus Herburger
(University of Rostock)
09.01.2025 The last secret of soil physics: water and matter dynamics in peat soils Prof. Bernd Lennartz
(University of Rostock)
on request

Summer semester 2024

Date Lecture title Speaker Lecture recording
07.03.2024 Assessment of P efficiency in forage legumes by utilising fertilisers from recycling products Yue Hu
(University of Rostock)
Watch recording on YouTube
21.03.2024 Toxic-free environment – a distant vision or an achievable reality? Dr. Jessica Stubenrauch
(Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research)
Watch recording on YouTube
18.04.2024 Investigation of water and solute transport in the soil by using lysimeters Dr. Holger Rupp
(Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research)
Watch recording on YouTube
02.05.2024 Darss-Zingst Bodden Chain - Is the eutrophication status changing? Dr. Rhena Schumann
(University of Rostock)
Watch recording on YouTube
16.05.2024 State of fish stocks in the Baltic Sea and the role of environmental changes and fisheries Dr. Uwe Krumme
(Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries)
on request
27.06.2024 Element transformations in gradient systems of the Baltic Sea Prof. Michael Böttcher
(Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde)
on request
04.07.2024 P in food - plant nutrition and health Prof. Silvia Bachmann-Pfabe
(Hochschule Neubrandenburg)
on request


Date Lecture title Speaker Lecture recording
20.04.2023 Enough is enough: Lower phosphorus inflows are still sufficient for resilient phytoplankton in coastal areas Dr. Maximilian Berthold
(Mount Allison University)
on request
01.06.2023 Turnover and transport of phosphorus in soil aggregates - From macroaggregates to nanoparticles Dr. Nina Siebers (Forschungszentrum Jülich) Watch recording on YouTube
22.06.2023 Advanced Raman spectroscopy for analysis of fluorescent samples – Case study for soil and bone inspection Dr. Kay Sowoidnich
(Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik)
Watch recording on YouTube
14.09.2023 Anthropogenic and natural organic trace substances in the Baltic Sea - Current activities, challenges and future perspectives Dr. Marion Kanwischer
(Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde)
on request
28.09.2023 Agronomic evaluation of secondary phosphorus fertilisers from sewage sludge ash, struvite, and bone char in pot and field experiments Dr. Kerstin Panten
(Julius Kühn-Institut)
on request
05.10.2023 Root and Rhizosphere traits for soil P mobilization Dr. Maire Holz
(Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research)
Watch recording on YouTube
19.10.2023 Global and molecular phosphorus pathways in aquaculture Prof. Tom Goldammer (Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology) Watch recording on YouTube
16.11.2023 Phosphorus Availability and Sources in the North and Southeastern Tropical Atlantic Regions of Africa Dr. Khanneh Wadinga Fomba (Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research) -


Date Lecture title Speaker Lecture recording
05.05.2022 Phosphorus control in lakes by external and internal management measures Dr. Michael Hupfer
(Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and
Inland Fisheries)
on request
02.06.2022 The Multifaceted Chemistry of Aromatic Phosphorus Heterocycles Prof. Christian Müller
(Freie Universität Berlin)
on request
23.06.2022 Floating wetlands as multi-talents in coastal waters Jacqueline Berendt
(Coastal Union Germany)
on request
30.06.2022 Phosphorus recovery from Wastewater Prof. Heidrun Steinmetz
(University of Kaiserslautern-Landau)
on request
29.09.2022 The Future Availability of Phosphate Prof. Friedrich-Wilhelm Wellmer
(Former president, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources)
on request
20.10.2022 Targeting Management Practices to Mitigate P Losses from Agricultural Fields in Regions with Cold Climates Dr. Merrin L. Macrae
(University of Waterloo)


Date Lecture title Speaker Lecture recording
20.05.2021 P compounds and tranformations along their transport pathways from terrestrial into aquatic ecosystems Julia Prüter
(University of Rostock)
on request
03.06.2021 The "Leibniz-Innovationshof" Prof. Ulrich Bathmann
(Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde)
on request
17.06.2021 Vegetation surveys of biological soil crusts and their potential influence on P-dynamics in the sand dunes of the Baltic Sea Sandra Kammann
(University of Rostock)
on request
01.07.2021 P-based organocatalysts: The application in CO2 valorization and its immobilization with plasma techniques Yuya Hu
(Leibniz Institute for Catalysis)
on request
16.09.2021 P recycling in land-based aquaculture systems Jonathan Schleyken
(University of Rostock)
on request
30.09.2021 P utilisation capacity of forage legumes from recycling products​ Yue Hu
(Leibniz Institute for Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research)
Watch recording on YouTube
14.10.2021 P in marine microlife: a (cyano)bacterial perspective Mariano Santoro
(Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde)
on request
28.10.2021 N and P efficiency mechanisms in potato Rebekka Erlinghagen
(Leibniz Institute for Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research)
on request
11.11.2021 EU agricultural subsidies and P Katharine Heyl
(Research Unit Sustainability and Climate Policy)
on request
02.12.2021 Potential of Black Soldier Fly Larvae reared on recycled phosphorus-rich substrates to be included in broiler diets Mohammad Mahdi Seyedalmoosavi
(Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology)
on request
16.12.2021 Application of P-based organocatalysts and biocatalysts Constanza Terazzi
(Leibniz Institute for Catalysis)
on request
13.01.2022 Phenotypic and genotypic variability of P-uptake mechanisms in potato Julian Kirchgesser
(University of Rostock)
on request

Winter semester 2020/21

Date Lecture title Speaker Lecture recording
15.10.2020 Electron microscopy in phosphorus research: Methods of elemental analysis and ultrastructural investigation Dr. Marcus Frank
(University Medical Centre Rostock)
on request
29.10.2020 Ad- and desorption of phosphate – Phosphate transformation processes in soil Prof. Dirk Freese
(Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg)
on request
26.11.2020 Application examples of spectrometric/spectroscopic methods in P speciation: 31P-NMR and P XANES Prof. Peter Leinweber
(University of Rostock)
10.12.2020 The role of fungi in the P cycle of soil and in the P supply of plants Prof. Christel Baum
(University of Rostock)
on request
14.01.2021 Land Use Governance and Phosphorus Governance: An Overall View Prof. Felix Ekardt
(Research Unit Sustainability and Climate Policy)
on request
28.01.2021 Technological potential of low-temperature plasmas in the agricultural environment Dr. Volker Brüser
(Leibniz Institute for Plasma Research and Technology)
on request
11.02.2021 Insights into the role of bacteria for P turnover in soil - Lessons learned from metagenomic studies Dr. Stefanie Schulz
(Helmholtz Zentrum München)
on request
25.02.2021 Regulatory and economic instruments for sustainable phosphorus management Dr. Beatrice Garske
(Research Unit Sustainability and Climate Policy)
on request
11.03.2021 Endocrine and transcriptional regulatory circuits of phosphorus utilization in pigs and poultry Dr. Michael Oster
(Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology)
25.03.2021 Using biodiversity to improve phosphorus efficiency in potatoes Dr. Silvia Bachmann-Pfabe
(Leibniz Institute for Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research)
on request


Date Lecture title Speaker
04.04.2019 Precipitation water on biogas plants - environmental relevance
and treatment options
Prof. Jens Tränckner
(University of Rostock)
02.05.2019 Possible consequences of the storm surge and brackish water inflow into the "Heiligensee and Hütelmoor" nature reserve in January 2019 Dr. Gerald Jurasinski
(University of Rostock)
16.05.2019 Mussel farms in the Baltic Sea: more than just a nutrient retention measure? Dr. Gerald Schernewski
(Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde)
06.06.2019 Atmospheric P deposition: from measured value to annual input into the Baltic Sea Dr. Rhena Schumann
(University of Rostock)
20.06.2019 The nutrient cycle in the fish tank house: The role of phosphorus for the functionality of aquaponic production systems Prof. Harry Palm
(University of Rostock)
27.06.2019 Effects of endophytic and rhizosphere microorganisms in P mobilization Prof. Katarzyna Hrynkiewicz
(University of Toruń)

Winter semester 2016/17

Date Lecture title Speaker
03.11.2016 Phosphorversorgung und Phosphordüngung landwirtschaftlich genutzter Böden Dr. Hans-Eberhard Kape
(LMS Agrarberatung)
10.11.2016 Einfluss variierender Phosphorgehalte im Futter auf die Knochendichte und -zusammensetzung beim wachsenden Ferkel Prof. Petra Wolf
(University of Rostock)
17.11.2016 Die Rolle biologischer Bodenkrusten im Phosphorkreislauf Dr. Karen Baumann
(University of Rostock)
24.11.2016 Phosphatmagelanpassung bei Cyanobakterien - Molekulare Grundlagen und die Anpassung des Ostseecyanobakteriums Nodularia spumigena CCY9414 Prof. Martin Hagemann
(University of Rostock)
01.12.2016 Phosphaternährung der Pflanzen im ökologischen Land-bau. Der Beitrag der chemischen Phosphatmobilisierung Dr. Jörg Gerke
08.12.2016 Landseitige Phosphoreinträge in die Ostsee - Entwicklung, Herkunft und Reduzierungsansätze Dr. Clemens Engelke & Franka Koch
(Landesamt für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Geologie MV)
15.12.2016 Phosphor-Austragspfade und -Muster in landwirtschaftlich genutzten Tieflandeinzugsgebieten Prof. Bernd Lennartz
(University of Rostock)
05.01.2017 Phosphorhaltige Verbindungen in der organischen Synthese und Katalyse Dr. Thomas Werner
(Leibniz Institute for Catalysis)
12.01.2017 Membranen als Phosphatspeicher - Wie Pflanzen auf Phosphatmangel reagieren Dr. Meike Siebers
(University of Bonn)
19.01.2017 Das P-Dilemma ökologisch bewirtschafteter Grünlandstandorte - Phytodiversität versus Produktionsfunktion? Dr. Jürgen Müller
(University of Rostock)
26.01.2017 Glyphosat - Anwendungen in der Landwirtschaft und Auswirkungen auf Ackerunkräuter Prof. Bärbel Gerowitt
(University of Rostock)
02.02.2017 Phosphorus as a key element in cellular signaling and biological energy transductions Prof. Inna Sokolova
(University of Rostock)
16.02.2017 Technologisches Potential von Niedertemperatur-plasmen beim Phosphor-Recycling Dr. Volker Brüser
(Leibniz Institute for Plasma Research and Technology)

Winter semester 2015/16

Date Lecture title Speaker
14.10.2015 Phosphorus mirabilis Prof. Axel Schulz
(University of Rostock)
21.10.2015 Phosphor: Ein wichtiger Baustein in Katalyse und Chemie Dr. Marko Hapke
(Leibniz Institute for Catalysis)
28.10.2015 Der marine Phosphor-Kreislauf Prof. Detlef Schulz-Bull
(Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde)
04.11.2015 Phosphorus – a critical element in wetland conservation and restoration Dr. Steve Robinson (University of Reading)
11.11.2015 Nährstoffe in den deutschen Küstengewässern und in der Ostsee Dr. Günther Nausch
(Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde)
18.11.2015 Leibniz-WissenschaftsCampi und weitere universitäre Forschungsinitiativen Prof. Ulrich Bathmann
(Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde)
25.11.2015 Der Phosphorzyklus und seine Anwendung in landbasierten Aquaponiksystemen Prof. Harry Palm
(University of Rostock)
02.12.2015 Wofür und wie effektiv nutzen Tiere Phosphor – Neue Einblicke aus "omics-Studien" Prof. Klaus Wimmers
(Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology)
09.12.2015 Eutrophierung flacher Küstengewässer durch Phosphor: Was nun? Dr. Rhena Schumann
(University of Rostock)
16.12.2015 Phosphor im Abwasser: Emission, Reduzierung, Recycling Prof. Jens Tränckner
(University of Rostock)
06.01.2016 Beitrag der Kreislaufwirtschaft zur Phosphor-Versorgung - Grundlagen, Technologien & Grenzen Prof. Michael Nelles
(University of Rostock)
13.01.2016 Knochenkohle - ein interessantes Recyclingmaterial mit Düngewirkung Prof. Peter Leinweber
(University of Rostock)
20.01.2016 Phosphor-Versorgung im Pflanzenbau mit Beispielen aus der internationalen Agrarforschung Prof. Bettina Eichler-Löbermann
(University of Rostock)
27.01.2016 Nachhaltiges Phosphor-Management: Gesellschaftliche, politische und rechtliche Aspekte Prof. Felix Ekardt
(Research Unit Sustainability and Climate Policy)