P-Campus-Ringvorlesung am 11.11.21
Am 11. November findet der nächste Vortrag der P-Campus-Ringvorlesung 2021 statt. Katharine Heyl von der Forschungstelle Nachhaltigkeit und Klimapolitik/Universität Rostock referiert zum Thema "Agrarsubventionen der EU und P". Der Vortrag beginnt um 15:00 Uhr und ist wie immer kostenfrei.
The goals of the Paris Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity require a sustainable transition. The agricultural sector plays a dual role in this transition: it can accelerate climate change through e.g. unsustainable soil management while also acting as carbon sink where soils build up organic matter. Sustainable nutrient management sits at the intersection of these two issues. One essential nutrient for plant growth is phosphorus. Issues arise where unsustainable phosphorus management leads to e.g. nutrient deficits or phosphorus accumulation in soils which increases organic decomposition as well as discharges into water bodies resulting in eutrophication. In turn, sustainable phosphorus management which is characterised through e.g. needs-based and site-adapted fertilisation can contribute to combat global environmental challenges. Against this background, this presentation aims to provide a comprehensive review on agricultural subsidies and discuss the role of this policy instrument in transitioning towards sustainability with a focus on fertilising and phosphorus management. To this end, a qualitative governance analysis is applied which aims to assess the effectiveness of existing or proposed governance instruments against given goals. The analysis will focus on the extent to which the future Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the EU contributes to sustainable phosphorus management.