Partners & Members

The ScienceCampus Phosphorus Research Rostock is a network of 4 Leibniz Institutes, the Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology and the University of Rostock (partners). From these partners, a total of 45 working groups are conducting research on phosphorus-relevant subjects.

P-Campus network
4 Leibniz Institutes, the Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology and the University of Rostock are part of the P-Campus network.


Leibniz Institute for Catalysis (LIKAT) at the University of Rostock

LIKATThe core competences of LIKAT are in the field of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, from basic research on new catalytic reactions and catalysts, from screening to optimisation and industrial-scale transfer of the reactions, to characterisation of the intermediate steps and reaction mechanisms using a broad range of spectroscopic methods. Naturally, in homogeneous catalysis organophosphorus compounds, especially in relation to transitional metals, play a prominent role and because of their structural versatility they assume an important position in ligand systems and in the form of organocatalysts.

Prof. Dr. Matthias Beller Angewandte Homogenkatalyse Cluster III
Prof. Dr. Armin Börner Hydrierungen und Hydroformylierungen Cluster III
Prof. Dr. Marko Hapke Cycloadditionen und Übergangsmetallkatalyse Cluster III
Dr. Christian Hering-Junghans Small Molecule Activation Cluster III
Dr. Yuya Hu Organokatalyse Cluster III
Dr. Dirk Michalik Analytik Cluster III
Prof. Dr. Uwe Rosenthal Koordinationschemische Katalyse Cluster III
Jan Tönjes Organokatalyse Cluster III
Prof. Dr. Thomas Werner Organokatalyse Cluster III
Dr. Dana Zimmer Koordinationsbüro P-Campus
Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW)

IOWThe IOW is dedicated to interdisciplinary marine research in coastal and marginal sees, especially research of the Baltic Sea ecosystem. Its research departments are Physical Oceanography, Marine Chemistry, Biological Oceanography and Marine Geology. Besides basic research in marine science, the focus includes oceanography studies at the University of Rostock and the University of Greifswald. Furthermore, the environmental status of the Baltic Sea is monitored, e.g. the development of mineral nutrients concentrations and soluble and particulate substances such as organophosphorus compounds. To this end, the IOW can fall back on a large dataset that is linked internationally through the HELCOM treaty. It collaborates on the definition, monitoring and updating of national and international water protection agreements.



Prof. Dr. Ulrich Bathmann Sprecher P-Campus Cluster I
Dr. Sarah Piehl Küsten- und Meeresmanagement Cluster I

Department Biological Oceanography

Dr. Philipp Braun Mikrobielle Prozesse und Phosphorkreislauf Cluster I
PD Dr. Matthias Labrenz Umweltmikrobiologie Cluster I, IV
Mariano Santoro Umweltmikrobiologie Cluster IV
Dr. Angela Vogts NanoSIMS Labor Cluster Q

Department Marine Geology

Prof. Dr. Michael Böttcher Geochemie und Isotopengeochemie Cluster I, Q

Department Marine Chemistry

Dr. Marion Kanwischer Organische Spurenstoffe Cluster I, Q
Dr. Oliver Schmale Biogeochemie Umweltrelevanter Gase Cluster I, Q
Prof. Dr. Detlef Schulz-Bull Organische Spurenstoffe Cluster I, Q

Department Physical Oceanography and Instrumentation

Dr. Thomas Neumann Systemdynamik der Ostsee Cluster I
Dr. Hagen Radtke Systemdynamik der Ostsee Cluster I
Leibniz Institute for Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK), Satellite Collections North, Groß Lüsewitz

IPKAs an internationally renowned research centre in the field of crop plant research, the IPK works on problems of modern biology in basic and applied research, with priority given to crop plants. The central concern is investigation of the genetic diversity of wild and cultivated plants. The internationally recognised crop bank (IPK-Genbank) primarily deals with the preservation, characterisation, evaluation and documentation of plant genetic resources. As the headquarters of the Satellite Collections North of the IPK-Genbank in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the Gross Lüsewitz potato collections currently maintain and handle 6124 different potato accessions at their location in Gross Lüsewitz, with 1300 genotypes stored in liquid nitrogen in the main institute in Gatersleben.

Dr. Klaus Dehmer Genbank, Teilsammlungen Nord Cluster II
Nagarjun Devabhakthini Genbank, Teilsammlungen Nord Cluster II
Mousumi Hazarika Genbank, Teilsammlungen Nord Cluster II
Yue Hu Genbank, Teilsammlungen Nord Cluster II
Dr. Mareike Kavka Genbank, Teilsammlungen Nord Cluster II
Leibniz Institute for Plasma Research and Technology (INP), Greifswald

INPThe Greifswald INP is Europe's largest non-university research centre for low-temperature plasma, its basis and its technical application. The goal, on the one hand, is application-oriented basic research and, on the other, the optimisation as well as the development of established plasma-supported methods and products. Currently, environmental engineering, energy technology, surface and material science as well as interdisciplinary subjects in  biology and medicine are the central fields of interest. Existing knowledge and advanced technological equipment should allow the utilisation of sparingly soluble phosphate raw materials by low-temperature-plasma treatment. This may allow the recycling of raw material sources such as animal meal, plant residues or phosphate-animal sludge.

Dr. Volker Brüser Katalytische Materialien Cluster II
Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Weltmann Direktor
Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN), Dummerstorf

FBNThe FBN Dummerstorf conducts research on the  system-level functionality of livestock with the aim of animal-, resource-, climate- and environmentally-friendly animal husbandry as the basis of balanced agricultural production. The sustainable production of animal foodstuffs requires a comprehensive understanding of the performance characteristics and their differences among farm animals, which, scientifically, is possible only by a holistic observation of the interaction between life processes and different animal environments and means of production. The aim is to better understand the genetic and physiological bases of the different functions of the animal organism in order to derive innovative methods, technologies and product development as well as the foundations for regulations and support measures.

Prof. Dr. Tom Goldammer Genombiologie Cluster II
Prof. Dr. Cornelia C. Metges Institut für Ernährungsphysiologie 'Oskar Kellner' Cluster II, IV
Dr. Michael Oster Genombiologie Cluster II, IV
Prof. Dr. Klaus Wimmers Genombiologie Cluster II, IV
PD Dr. Siriluck Wimmers Genombiologie Cluster IV
University of Rostock

Universität RostockThe University of Rostock is one of the three oldest universities in Germany. Participating in the ScienceCampus Phosphorus Research are five departments of the University of Rostock: Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (AUF), Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MNF), Law (JUF) and the University Hospital. The ScienceCampus is part of the Interdisciplinary Department (INF).

Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (AUF)

The participating departments of the AUF pool research capacities in the elucidation and optimisation of P cycles in ground–water–plant–animal systems. Additional areas of research are the technological development and optimisation of methods for the sustainable use of biological and secondary raw materials in closed P fluxes.


apl. Prof. Christel Baum Bodenkunde Cluster I, II
Dr. Adrian Bischoff-Lang Aquakultur und Sea-Ranching Cluster I, II
Dr. Uwe Buczko Landschaftsökologie und Standortkunde Cluster I
Dr. Jörg Burgstaler Agrartechnologie und Verfahrenstechnik Cluster II
Dr. Carsten Croonenbroeck Agrarökonomie Cluster II
apl. Prof. Dr. Bettina Eichler-Löbermann Pflanzenbau Cluster II
Dr. Beatrice Garske Forschungsstelle Nachhaltigkeit und Klimapolitik Cluster V
Prof. Dr. Bärbel Gerowitt Phytomedizin Cluster II
Sebastian Heller Grünland und Futterbauwissenschaften Cluster I
Katharine Heyl Forschungsstelle Nachhaltigkeit und Klimapolitik Cluster V
Prof. Dr. Florian Jansen Landschaftsökologie und Standortkunde Cluster I
Julian Kirchgesser Pflanzenbau Cluster II
Dr. Ulrich Knaus Aquakultur und Sea-Ranching Cluster I, II
Dr. Stefan Koch Bodenphysik und Ressourcenschutz Cluster I, II
Prof. Dr. Peter Leinweber Bodenkunde Cluster I, II, V
Prof. Dr. Bernd Lennartz Ressourcenschutz und Bodenphysik Cluster I, II
Dr. Gert Morscheck Abfall- und Stoffstromwirtschaft Cluster II
Dr. Mohsen Morshedizad Bodenkunde Cluster I, II
Dr. Jürgen Müller Grünland und Futterbauwissenschaften Cluster I
Prof. Dr. Michael Nelles Abfall- und Stoffstromwirtschaft Cluster II
Prof. Dr. Harry Palm Aquakultur und Sea-Ranching Cluster I, II
Kristin Steinfurth Landschaftsökologie und Standortkunde Cluster I
Prof. Dr. Jens Tränckner Wasserwirtschaft Cluster II
Prof. Dr. Ralf Uptmoor Pflanzenbau Cluster II
Paul Winklhofer Phytomedizin Cluster II
Prof. Dr. Nicole Wrage-Mönnig Grünland und Futterbauwissenschaften Cluster I, II
Dr. Anika Zacher Bodenkunde Cluster I, II
Interdisciplinary Faculty (INF)

The INF merges the various scientific disciplines of the University of Rostock beyond their original subject limits into four interdisciplinary areas. These departments work on thematically focussed, future-oriented topics: "Life, Light and Material", "Maritime Systems", "Successful Aging" and Knowledge–Culture–Transformation". The first two research lines contribute significantly to the Leibniz ScienceCampus Phosphorus Research, especially "Maritime Systems" with its research focus on coasts. It is here that the ScienceCampus is assigned.

Faculty of Law (JUF)

In the context of the Leibniz ScienceCampus Phosphorus Research the JUF is dedicated to environmental-law problems of sustainability as the basis for creating a better legislative framework allowing for sufficient and efficient P use and recovery strategies. Thus there is close cooperation with the Research Unit Sustainability and Climate Policy.


Prof. Dr. Dr. Felix Ekardt Forschungsstelle Nachhaltigkeit und Klimapolitik Cluster II, V
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MNF)

The MNF encompasses the Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics institutes, with focuses on research and teaching in marine biology, physical oceanography, environmental and marine chemistry, as well as optical and laser physics. For the ScienceCampus, the MNF contributes research into 1) P-fluxes in the water column/sediment of aquatic ecosystems, 2) the physiology of P uptake/storage systems of aquatic organisms, 3) chemistry/analytics of unusual phosphorus-containing compounds and 4) quantum chemical modelling.


Dr. Ashour Ahmed Institut für Physik, Molekulare Quantendynamik Cluster Q
Dr. Martin Albrecht Institut für Biowissenschaften, Angewandte Ökologie und Phykologie Cluster I
Dr. Jonas Bresien Institut für Chemie, Anorganische Chemie Cluster III
PD Dr. Stefan Forster Institut für Biowissenschaften, Meeresbiologie Cluster I
Prof. Dr. Martin Hagemann Institut für Biowissenschaften, Pflanzenphysiologie Cluster I, II
Sandra Kammann Institut für Biowissenschaften, Angewandte Ökologie und Phykologie Cluster IV
Prof. Dr. Ulf Karsten Institut für Biowissenschaften, Angewandte Ökologie und Phykologie Cluster I, II, IV
Prof. Dr. Udo Kragl Institut für Chemie, Abt. Analytische & Technische Chemie; Technische Chemie Cluster III
Prof. Dr. Oliver Kühn Institut für Physik, Molekulare Quantendynamik Cluster Q
Prof. Dr. Axel Schulz Institut für Chemie, Anorganische Chemie Cluster III
PD Dr. Rhena Schumann Institut für Biowissenschaften, Angewandte Ökologie und Phykologie, Biologische Station Zingst Cluster I, Q
Prof. Dr. Inna Sokolova Institut für Biowissenschaften, Meeresbiologie Cluster II, IV
Rostock University Medical Center (UMR)

The Institute for Experimental Surgery (IEC) belongs to the Rostock University Medical Center (UMR), one of the largest medical facilities of the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Through its Central Laboratory Animal Facility the IEC offers optimal conditions for research into clinical issues using small- and large-animal models.


Prof. Dr. Dagmar-Christiane Fischer Kinder- und Jugendklinik, AG Experimentelle Pädiatrie Cluster II
Prof. Dr. Christian Junghanß Innere Medizin, Hämatologie, Onkologie, Palliativstation
Dr. Jonas Keiler Institut für Anatomie
PD Dr. Hugo Murua Escobar Hämatologie, Onkologie und Palliativmedizin Cluster III
Prof. Dr. Brigitte Vollmar Institut für Experimentelle Chirurgie, Universitätsmedizin Rostock Cluster II


Associated Members